Non-surgical reconstructive therapy,
can bring increased joint,
ligament, and tendon stability,
greater strength,
and more endurance:
​Stronger Joints
More endurance
Less Chronic Pain
Exclusive Services
General Practice Services
Family Clinic
Health Screening
Work Assessments
Prevention & Wellness Education
Mother and Infant Care​
Complex Procedures
Intravenous / IV Vitamin C
Intravenous Amminoacid Protocols
Intravenous Vitamin B Complex
Intravenous Minerals Protocols Intravenous Multivatimins Protocols
Ozone Therapy
Medical Ozone Therapy uses medical-grade ozone created using a medical ozone generator. Medical ozone has a multitude of uses including supporting the immune system, reducing the effects of inflammatory disease and supporting the microcirculation. There are many ways that Ozone can be administered to the body.
Non-surgical reconstructive therapy (referred to by some health professionals as prolotherapy, sclerotherapy, or proliferative therapy) is the introduction of an irritant solution by means of injection into weakened areas of the musculoskeletal system. The irritant brings about the proliferation of tissue, aiming to make the involved areas permanently stronger. The tissue proliferation, as previously emphasized, provides the main side effect of reconstructive therapy - more joint endurance and less chronic pain.
The injected solution mostly goes into the damaged ligaments, tendons, and surrounding joint capsules. Often torn or stretched ligaments and tendons do not heal on their own because tendons and ligaments do not enjoy the influx of good blood supply present in the other areas. A controlled biochemical reaction is created by the doctor who administers the injection. It occurs within or around your joint. By introduction of the irritant via reconstructive therapy, a slight inflammation is built up. This signals the body to increase the blood supply to the injected area. The result is that fibroblasts (healing cells) travel to this irritated spot and lay down repair tissue within and around it.
By employing prolotherapy, eventually - usually sooner rather than later - chronic joint pain goes away - and might even stay away permanently. The benefits from this procedure should start almost immediately when the injections are given by a well trained practitioner. As the patient, your response to this inflammatory reaction can be increased joint, ligament, and tendon stability, greater strength, and more endurance.
Stronger Joints
More endurance
Less Chronic Pain